Thursday, January 8, 2009

Natural consequences, are sometimes the best!!!, and catching up

I'll explain the natural consequences in a minute. Here is my fully potty trained little boy, who hadn't even wet the bed at night in two weeks, (until we trialed no pull up at night this week, and he wet the bed that night.) He was told that as soon as he would have 0 accidents for one solid week, he could get a big boy bike. WELL he has been mostly potty trained for months now, but we would always go 5 days no accidents, then have an accident. 4 days no accidents then have an accident, you get the picture. It has now been 2 months with absolutely no accidents. He is officially my big boy, and I can't believe my baby is no longer a baby. However, it is very nice to not buy diapers, except for night time pull ups.

now we just need to learn to steer the bike, and pedal independently.
Here is the natural consequences. This face tells it all. I could not have punished him to make him feel this sad. He did it to himself. Here is the stroy.

Quick mom is doing bills, and when she does bills a bomb could drop and she wouldn't know it. I'll climb into the kitchen cuboard, and get the finely ground pepper container she just bought, and sprinkle it all over the kitchen and dining room like snow. I'll even cover my trucks and tractors with it.

Although I should never have tasted it!!!!
Like I said natural consequences are sometimes way better than any punishment I could have given him. Even now when i get the pepper out, he says. "I don't like pepper mom. pepper hurts." I'm sorry payton someday you'll laugh about this.

1 comment:

The MK Crew said...

This cracks me up! And what makes me laugh most is that you left him there to take a picture. Natural consequences sometimes are the best teacher.