Sunday, September 14, 2008

DOMESTICATION at it's finest!!

Those of you who know me well, know that I am not "DOMESTIC." The big joke in our family is that Aaron knew of my homemaking skills before he married me!! However, I have attempted to learn some new things this summer. Canning, jamming, and gardening in general have led to many new experiences that I swore as a child I would never do!!! for three days straight I have canned Peaches and pears. This pic is of my very messy kitchen in the process of canning!! And of my very nice g-ma that came to help!

More pic's of my kitchen to help you truly understand the mess I was dealing with. On this day we canned 2 big boxes of peaches, and one big box of pears.
Jenna was sick, and home from school in these photos, she had a long day in learning how to can! In three day we canned 63 jars of Peaches and 48 jars of pears, and we still have 2 peach trees to pick, and 2 boxes of pears to can. We have made a lot of strawberry, raspberry, and apricot jam. frozen corn, green beans, raspberries, and boysenberries. And I don't think I will ever be the same.

1 comment:

Anna said...

Guess what I dont can! There I said it. Mainly, I guess its cause I cant stand most canned things. On occasion my mom will and Ill stand and "help". I did make jam this year though. I cant eat store bought and Kurt got tons of berries from a customer so I had no choice!