Wednesday, December 16, 2009


So, for those of you who do not know what I do for a profession, I am a NICU or (neonatal intensive care) nurse. At the moment I work in a level 2 unit that is joined on the same floor as Labor and Delivery. I attend high risk deliveries and take care of sick infants. Every day I walk by an utlra sound machine, at least 500 times I swear. The other day a few nurses and myself took a peek at the baby. she or he was very cute. the baby was sucking it's thumb, kicking it's legs and waving to me on the screen. I couldn't tell what it was, the legs were crossed. Even if the legs weren't crossed I am not trained in ultrasound readings, and I probably couldn't tell what it was unless the legs were obviously spread and it was flaunting a boy part.

Here is the problem. Aaron was really ticked off at me for looking at the baby without him, and "attempting" to see what the little cutie was. SO, I'm asking would you have looked? I honestly didn't think I would have been able to tell. I mean come on it costs nothing for me to plug this machine in and look. In my opinion who wouldn't have looked? I walk by this machine all day long, and my shifts are 12 hrs long, and it has been incredibly slow at work.

Let me know would you have peeked, or am I the stinker in all of this.


Kimberly said...

I would look everyday!

Todd and Shana said...

I TOTALLY would look! He's just jealous :)

The Johnsons said...

You lose this round, Mr. Riggs! Peek away, Lisa K! Wave at the little one from me, too. Can't wait to see you over the holidays!

Anna said...

K You restrained yourself far longer than I wouldve! Sorry Aaron. Im bummed you couldnt tell but just a few more days! Im betting boy still! either way-it will be a cute little one.

Thanks for answering my dumb nurse questions the other night!:)
Its good to have friends that work in Peds.

JoMama said...

Ummm... I with Aaron, but this is coming from the gal who doesn't think you should find out the kid's gender until day of arrival! :) Sometimes I think we forget that Daddy needs a greater level of involvement while we run around completely self involved and pregnant hormonal nut-jobber. :) :) :) I am glad you got to visit with the little person though. How very exciting to be adding another one, huh?

Booth Party of Four said...

I would look but I think tyson would be bummed like aaron

The MK Crew said...

I would have to side with Aaron-but it would kill me, though. It would be hard to have the temptation right there. But I would hate to accidentally be able to tell the gender and not have him there. And I just voted girl-mostly because girls are all we know! :)

Devine Family said...

I would look too! I saw Aaron in the store and he said you ended up finding out together, congratulations!! What a fun addition!