Thursday, December 2, 2010
All I want for school are my 2 front teeth!

Lydia's 5th Birthday!!

Emillie Got MARRIED

Emillie Married Adam Washburn on August 14, 2010

Michael looking so excited about his role in the ceremony!

Beth and Grace looking beautiful!

I love this pic of Lydia!

Miss Jenna, such a helper! Love her!. She brok her arm the week before the wedding, and had an awesome bright pink cast that doubled as a club!

Lydia and Carters turn down the aisle

There was a DJ for dancing at the reception. Daddy dancing with his princess!

The missionaries came into the building and started filling up the font for a baptism later on in the day. They turned it on, locked the door so no one could fall in, and then left. Later we noticed water running out from under the door, but couldn't get in cause the door was locked. When the missionaries were finally gotten a hold of and came there was quite the clean up!

Jeromy, Lindee and family have been living in Denver. They came up for the wedding and we all had a blast playing! Here are some sword fights that went on.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Summer 2010

Jenna and Alexis cooling off in the kids play fountain area while we waited for the return of half our group to go down the big raft water slide!

They had all sorts of fun water spraying toys to play with!

Here's the group shot in the wave pool. Drew was asleep in the stroller, and I didn't think he would mind missing out of the wacve pool. So, we opted to stay out and take pictures.

Steve and Olivia

Aaron, Jenna, and Payton

We Also spent a day in the Tri-Cities. One of my besties from high school came to visit the Main Land!! (They live in HAWAII) We met up with her, and another bestie from high school and hung out at a park.

Not just any park. This park had water squirting toys, and a Ice cream stand/truck. Payton throughly enjoyed his IRON MAN ice cream bar.

Here we are Casey, Katrina, and me with Drew. We have a lot of memories together! It is so fun to get together as adults. We don't see each other all that often, but when we do we fall back in where we left off. These women are amazing mothers too. It's always fun when our kids can play together. We missed Katrina's 3 girls they were still on Hawaii time and stayed home with their grandma. I guess we will have to go to Hawaii and visit. It's a rough job but somebody will have to do it.
Friday, November 5, 2010

Payton's turn attempting the "duck walk." He did a lot of sliding. :)

My kids love to be outside where they can get as dirty as they want, and run and scream to their hearts content!

Drew did amazing, he is such a happy go lucky baby!
We roasted hot dogs and marshmallows over the fire!
Here is how Drew slept. I was very concerned that he would get cold, but I didn't want to bring him into bed on an air mattress with us. Way to easy to get his face covered I thought. He wore a really warm sleep sack, and was double swaddled with his thomas quilt. Maybe a little over kill, but he slept great. He didn't wake up all night! I woke up a couple times on my own to check him to see if he felt to hot or cold, but he didn't wake up till 6 am when all the light flooded our ten t. I joked that maybe we should sleep in a tent every night if he was going to sleep that great.
We had a little creek that was right behind out tent, the kids thought that was pretty cool, and it stressed me out a little that they would fall in. However, the water was so cold it was all they could do it put there feet in it.
On our hike during the second day we saw this momma deer. Bambi's mom to be exact. Just ask my munchkins.
Dad wasn't with us when we hiked the steep hill, so the kids had to bring him back and show them how they learned to "duck walk." Drew is in the sling, and yes I hiked all over with him like that. He slept the entire time. Well until I hit some loose rocks and fell flat on my bum. My arms were around him to protect him, do he was fine, but my bottom was not.
Here is dad with the munchkins:) it was a blast we will have to go more often next summer!